Angela Gifford, Managing Director of Able Community Care, answers your questions…

Able Community Care has been in the same family for four decades and now provides live-in care services throughout the UK.

Since 1980 we have provided care and have met with thousands of families who are seeking an alternative to moving into a residential care home.

Meeting people inevitably leads, either at the time of an assessment or even years later, to questions for which people are looking for answers.

Information around all aspects of care is available but the road to finding out, especially at a time of crisis, about specific factors can be difficult and stressful. Able Community Care receives calls and emails on a regular basis with people asking if we can help with their search for information.

Recently these questions have been asked of us…

Question: Can I find out what personal information is held about me from my Council Social Services Department?

Answer: Yes, you can request a copy of the information held about you, called a Subject Access Request (SAR). This could include your housing file, social care file and any other information held about you by the Council.

• Currently, GDPR does not specify any time limitation for a data subject requesting their personal data and usually there is no fee to pay.

• The time limit for responding to a subject access request (SAR) is usually one month from the day the organization receives the request

Question: I am now disabled but can still drive my car. Am I entitled to a road tax discount?

Answer: Some disabled people can get a 50% discount on their vehicle tax. You do not have to pay vehicle tax if you get one of these benefits: High rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance or in receipt of the Enhanced rate mobility component of the Personal Independence Payment.

Question: In her younger days my Aunt used to make rag rugs and would like to see if she is still able to do so? Where could I get the basic tools for her to try?

Answer: Rag rugs are back in fashion and online retailers such as Amazon offer a basic kit with the tools and canvas for around £35.00. Anything can be used for the rags, old clothes, sheeting, curtains, etc.

Question: My Father, now in his late 70’s, has different sized feet. We find it difficult to buy footwear for him other than buying two pairs of shoes in different sizes.  My local shoe shop has closed so cannot ask them for any information, can you advise where we could look?.

Answer: There are online shoe retailers who can help, one of which is Tripalot. They are an online store providing footwear for those who require odd-sized pairs or just a single shoe, they also sell same sized pairs.

Their website is up to old       

Able Community Care Ltd

T: 01603 764567 
