Life & Living


What on earth is NEAT and why do you need to know about it?!

Chantel Heath

INSTAGRAM: @chantelheathfitness

I’m a 41 year old mother of two & Personal Fitness coach. I work one to one, in person & online with clients aged 18-80. My specialisms include pre & postnatal training, cancer rehab, pilates, & GP exercise referrals. I run fitness classes online and in person in the Suffolk Coastal area. I am also a Mental Health First aider.

NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. And what exactly does that mean? Let me explain the science bit…

We each have a total amount of energy (calories) that we use each day to enable us  to carry out all of the physical functions we need to perform. This is called our TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). Many factors make up our TDEE, but the two that we are focusing on are EAT (exercise activity thermogenesis) and NEAT. These are the amount of energy we burn doing planned physical exercise such as going to a fitness class (EAT) and the amount we burn through all the other physical movements we do throughout the day (NEAT). It’s the energy we burn while doing everyday tasks like walking, fidgeting, cleaning the house, or even chewing gum. It’s the secret calorie-burning engine that’s humming away in the background while you go about your daily routine

You see, when it comes to fat loss, most of us immediately think of intense workouts at the gym, sweating buckets on the treadmill, and pumping iron until our muscles scream for mercy. And while those things will indeed increase how many calories you burn, you may be surprised to learn that you may not burn as many calories as you think this way!

Estimates vary, but it’s generally accepted that EAT (planned exercise) can account for as little as 5-15% of your total daily calories burned. While NEAT can account for 15-50%

So if fat loss is your aim, increasing your NEAT is a no brainer!

Think about it—how often do you find yourself sitting for extended periods, whether it’s at work, in front of the TV, or glued to your smartphone?  Boosting your NEAT is about finding ways to move a little more while going about your day to day activities, rather than necessarily having to find an hour to go to the gym

The beauty of NEAT lies in its accessibility. You don’t need any fancy equipment, expensive gym memberships, or a personal trainer shouting at you to get moving. Nope, NEAT is all about embracing those everyday opportunities to be active. It’s about taking the stairs instead of the lift, pacing while chatting on the phone, or even dancing around the kitchen while you’re cooking dinner.

But, before you go ditching your regular workouts altogether and start obsessively pacing your living room, it’s important to remember that NEAT should be seen as a complement to, rather than a replacement for, exercise sessions. Formal exercise is still crucial for cardiovascular health, strength and maintaining overall fitness.

However, by incorporating NEAT into your daily routine, you can maximize your calorie burn and make your fat loss efforts even more effective. So, let’s get creative! Find ways to sneak in more movement throughout your day.

Here are a few ideas to get you started!

Get out for a 10 minute walk at lunchtime

Park further away from work/school/shops

Grab yourself a rucksack & walk to the supermarket for your shopping

Walk or cycle instead of driving where practical

Walk the long way round!

Wash your car by hand instead of using the carwash

Stand more than you sit

Turn the tunes up & get some housework done

Cut the grass

Play with the kids (or pets)

Take mini walking breaks around the office